How the COVID-19 is driving a huge surge towards freelancing?

 The coronavirus epidemic is disrupting the daily routine of the 9-5 workspace but at the same time, it has become a huge surge for remote workers. One of the key topics mainly discussed by freelancers is how this is that basis for remote work. This question was raised by Mr. Jon Younger an accomplished HR Innovator and a visionary who asked several freelance contemporaries and peers that How do you see long term impact as many Businesses shift towards remote work?

Globally, many market leaders and innovators believe that remote work has been a blessing in disguise for organizations, employees, and freelancers. But the real question that encompasses every person’s mind is how to attain this sustainability. To accomplish that we need a strong foundation that has the proper investment, topped with a state of the art HR system. This foundation also needs to development of soft skills and secure communications.

Many Leaders suggested that freelance platforms from day one have been key to outsourcing your work objectives. Companies have started to catch up to his idea as it not only cuts cost but at the same time generates employee morale which in HR language means people are happy.

Ben Huffman, CEO of Contra a freelance platform that lets you build your own professional community describes that the fundamental shift from project-based to task-oriented is shaky at first but the results are amazing. Who would have thought that remote work will be redefined by an epidemic enslaving planet earth?

Cofounder of Weem France Mr. Leslie Garcon suggested that all projects done by our platform were completed on the client’s premises as the clients commissioned it. He further elaborated that due to the epidemic all project has been shifted to remote which is far better than the usual one to one meetings

One Circle a platform of freelance Hr consultants providing remote HR services. Its CEO Emma El Karout suggested that remote work will be very hard to roll back as many companies resisted for a long time and now with real evidence on why it is justified. She further elaborated that remote work will improve drastically and will overcome great strides.

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